Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Progress - 3

Tender: Brickyard BBQ, Burlington, WI

Classification:  Upscale

Date & Time: 8:30 PM, Friday November 22, 2013

Intro:  The Brickyard BBQ isn't known for their tenders.  They specialize in Southern Style BBQ and lesser cuts of meat, primarily focusing on beef.  They do tout their special Root Beer BBQ sauce.

The Order:  I was a bit skeptical of the $5.95 price point.  I was unsure of whether or not ordering the tenders, along with a side of fries, would be enough to satisfy my voracious appetite on this particular evening.  My dinner guest and I were given a complimentary beer. I theorized the restaurant must have figured out who I was and were trying to pad their tender score.  This tactic, though friendly, would certainly not affect my critique of their tenders.

The Meal:  I was served 2 baskets.  One was almost over flowing with french fries and the other was packed full of tenders.  I was stoked!  The first bite, always a clean bite with no sauce, was magnificent.  The chicken was astoundingly tender.  The fries had the perfect depth/width ratio, and were cripy yet soft on the inside.  The root beer BBQ sauce was a bit on the disappointing side.  It was very runny, and I believe they simply added root beer and BBQ sauce to a bottle and shook it up.  The flavor was excellent, but the execution of the sauce was sub-par.  Whatever ranch sauce this place uses is top notch, and I required 2 cups.

Brickyard BBQ Chicken Tender Score:  

Outer Layer - 7.8/10 

Chicken - 9/10

Overall - 5 Strip Basket

This was one of the finer tender moments in my life.  The heaping basket of fries, and numerous tenders had me smiling the entire meal.  The wait staff at this restaurant was excellent, though it did take a while for us to get out bill.  Be prepared to have a stock pile of napkins at your disposal, especially if you decide to try the root beer BBQ sauce.  This tender has a very high tender score, but what hindered its performance was a poor chicken to outer layer ratio.  The chicken was amazing, but i wish there had been more of it in each tender.

 A Nugget on the McNugget:  At the Beijing Olympic games, Usain Bolt ate an estimated 1,000 McNuggets in the 10 days he spent there.

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